Metaverse – The virtual world!
Date22 Nov 2021
So, what is all the hype about Metaverse, for this you have to understand what is Metaverse. The term was minted by Neal Stephenson for his science fiction novel Snow Crash in the year 1992. Almost after three decades, Metaverse is going to redefine the virtual reality landscape.
Metaverse is 3D live. It is a virtual environment where you can be a part. You can be in the midst of the activity unlike just viewing it on the screen. Imagine the endless opportunities that come with it; it can help connect people with different activities be it work or play. It doesn’t stop with this, you can also add spark to your online shopping with this emerging technology, by giving your customer an in-shopping experience.
Metaverse will allow you to live in virtual life just like your real life and truly you will enjoy this doppelganger world. You can do almost anything with Metaverse, do shopping, travel, listen to concerts, gaming and much more.
Imagine how exciting it could get if you join your colleagues in the virtual office in your avatar than just seeing them on zoom calls. Social media giant Facebook has already invested time and money in the technology to give its customers a taste of its game changing technology with their state of the art meeting software Horizon Workrooms. The participant with the help of Oculus VR headset can be present in the virtual meeting rooms instead of video calls.
Microsoft is also vying for its pie as it has already showcased its plans to bring together holograms and avatars to Microsoft Teams in 2022. The work on explorable 3D virtual to connect retail and workspaces is also in progress.
Epic Games is not far behind and has made considerable investment in metaverse. Some of the investments have already taken shape with movie and music debuts. It is venturing into creating photorealistic digital humans to be their doppelgangers in their games.
Though, it is an expensive proposition, the current pandemic situation having forced people to either work from home or in a hybrid environment, this new age technology can be a breather where people can enjoy their virtual world experience by creating their avatars to fit this new world.
Metaverse is still in a nascent form and needs to tackle compliance standards, security threats and costing before it can be enjoyed by the users. Yet, the tech giants are leaving nothing to chance in making this dream a reality.