



  • Website Design and User Experience


  • Design Direction
  • Content Strategy
Web Design Company in Chennai


In Turkey, Hygeia Clinic is a UK-based healthcare provider specialising in eye care, dental care, hair care, fertility treatments, and wellness services. Recognising Turkey’s cost-effective and advanced medical services compared to the UK, they sought to develop a comprehensive website. The goal was to clearly communicate their range of services to potential international patients, facilitating understanding and engagement with their offerings.

WordPress Development Company in Chennai

The Challenges

The website should serve as the primary interface for diverse international patients to learn about services, register for consultations, and read patient testimonials. The navigation needed to be intuitive, given the wide range of services offered by the clinic. SEO-optimized content that utilises high search volume keywords to attract and engage visitors effectively and perform seamlessly across various devices, ensuring a mobile-friendly experience.

How we took it forward

The website redesign for Hygeia Clinic addressed critical challenges through strategic UX enhancements, responsive design, SEO efforts, data security, and system integration. This holistic approach not only improved the user experience but also supported the clinic’s operational efficiency and growth objectives.